Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue – Niue Language Week 2024, 13 - 19 October

Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue – Niue Language Week 2024, 13 - 19 October

Fakaalofa lahi atu! It's Niue Language Week and this year theme is:

'Leveki mo e Feaki e Vagahau Niue ma Anoiha - Protect and Nurture Vagahau Niue for the Future'. 

Nurture the language, use it in your everyday speech.

I have some cool, great quality flash cards for the kids to learn numbers 1-10 in Niuean or the days of the week that you can download for FREE!

They are in store, FREE for everyone! Click the link to get yours free!


Here are some more useful language cards you can download from the Ministry of Pacific Peoples website: https://www.mpp.govt.nz/programmes/pacific-language-weeks/niue-language-week/




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